Since its inception, the OSMA has had to deal with homeowners who felt that their pruning and property use rights extended far beyond their property lines. It seems that lately, however, there is a marked increase in the number of open space abuse cases with which the OSMA must contend. Do you know the rules? If you have taken the time to find this website and read this message, you probably do. Please help us by talking to your neighbors about the importance of protecting our open space and that their property rights end at their fence lines. Fines will be levied on homeowners who cut or plant trees or shrubs, use the open space as a “pass-through” for construction materials to their property, dump garden clippings, use motorized vehicles or bicycles, remove boulders, apply pesticides or irrigate the open space. If you are a homeowner, you can find our fine policies in the Homeowner Corner once you have registered as a user.